Selasa, 04 Oktober 2016

Kaos Distro Bandung - Pin BBM : D3467F24

Kaos Distro Bandung - Hubungi No Telp 0813 4464 9224 atau Invite Pin BBM : D3467F24.

Kaos Distro Sunbeam Cloth sebagai produsen kaos distro original dari Kota Bandung memproduksi kaos dengan kualitas diatas premium atau bahkan bisa dibilang terbaik di Indonesia, hal ini dilihat dari produk yang mereka buat. Bahan kain kaos yang Sunbeam Cloth gunakan adalah Cotton Combed 30s Reactive Body size (Tanpa Jahitan Samping), dengan desain yang selalu fresh dan menggunakan tinta sablon grade A terbaik baik palstisol, rubber maupun discharge. Pelopor kaos distro Indonesia yang memiliki reputasi baik ini sekarang terbua untuk umum dan dapat dibeli dengan mudah, caranya dengan menghubungi kontak diatas. Harga 1 produk kaos Sunbeam Cloth ini adalah Rp 135.000, Namun apabila anda membeli 2 PCS Kaos Distro Sunbeam Cloth Original ini anda cukup membelinya dengan harga Rp 220.000. Dikemas dengan kemasan yang ekslusi serta rapih.

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Kaos Distro Bandung, Kaos Distro Original, Kaos Distro Sunbeam
Kaos Distro Original Sunbeam, dengan kemasan box ekslusif
Dan berikut ini beberapa foto kaos distro Sunbeam Cloth yang diambil dari website resmi mereka (

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Grosir Kaos Distro, Kaos Distro bandung, Kaos distro sunbeam

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Kaos Distro Skate, Kaos Distro Surf, kaos distro original

Kaos Distro Skate, Kaos Distro Surf, kaos distro original

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Kaos Distro Skate, Kaos Distro Surf, kaos distro original

Rabu, 07 September 2016

Grosir Kaos Distro | Peluang Usaha Bisnis Kaos Distro | Kaos Distro Original | Kaos Distro Sunbeam | Bisnis Kaos Distro

Bisnis Kaos Ditro 45 Ribu - Memulai usaha menjadi penjual kaos distro ini sangatlah mudah dengan modal kecil anda bisa memulai usaha jualan kaos distro kami satu satunya grosir yang membuka peluang Bisnis Kaos Distro Modal Kecil 45 Ribu, kami akan membantu anda untuk mewujudkan keinginan anda untuk menghasilkan keuntungan dari penjualan anda dengan produk kaos distro branded. Kaos distro pada umumnya dijual di pasaran dengan harga Rp 90.000 - Rp 150.000 secara ritel atau satuan, disini kami akan membantu anda untuk membuka peluang usaha kaos distro terkenal dalam bentuk kerja sama bisnis kaos distro.

Kami memberikan penawaran menarik bagi anda yang ingin membuka peluang usaha kaos distro ini. dengan memberikan harga grosir kaos distro sebagai bahan untuk memulai mengumpulkan stok dagangan anda. Anda tidak perlu memikirkan bagaimana produksi dan packaging produk karena kami akan memberikan yang terbaik bagi anda sebagai salah satu bentuk kerja sama usaha kaos distro bersama kami dengan Bisnis Kaos Distro Modal Kecil 45 Ribu, .

Speksifikasi Bahan Kaos Distro Original Branded

Bahan Kaos : 100% Cotton Combed Reactive 30s (Build up body size, tanpa jahitan samping)
Sablon : Plastisol, Rubber Grade A, Discharge
Packaging : Dalam bentuk penyajian menarik (dapat meningkatkan nilai jual untuk anda kepada para konsumen)
Desain : Selalu update dan mengikuti perkembangan jaman, sehingga anda tidak perlu kuatir karena tim divisi desain kami selalu meriset dan menciptakan desain -desain menarik untuk produk kaos distro agar selalu memiliki desain yang baru.

Anda bisa mendapatkan harga kaos distro original branded apabila ingin bekerjasama dengan kami dalam Bisnis Kaos Distro Modal Kecil 45 Ribu dengan harga Rp. 45.000 /pcs dengan pembelian minimal 2 lusin. Untuk informasi selanjutnya silahkan hubungi sunbeam cloth

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Rabu, 13 Juli 2016

Cara Mendapatkan Uang dari Blog dan Website

IZOKE - Berikut ini adalah cara mendapatkan mendapatkan uang dari blog dan website anda dengan mudah. Blog dan website anda sebetulnya bisa menjadi sarana bagi anda untuk mendapatkan uang dari setiap visitor yang mengunjunginya. Dan saat ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara mendapatkan uang dari visitor blog dan website anda dengan mudah.

1. Daftar di situs ini :  (Lihat Cara daftar)
2. Promosikan Blog dan website anda (Coming soon : Cara mendatangkan banyak visitor untuk website dan blog anda)

Dan berikut ini adalah pendapatan saya dari situs diatas.

Cara Mendapatkan Uang dari Blog dan Website
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Cara Mendapatkan Uang dari Blog dan Website
Pembayaran ke 2
Cara Mendapatkan Uang dari Blog dan Website
Pembayaran ke 3

Jumat, 24 Juni 2016

Free Download Template Landing Page Untuk Blogspot Gratis

IZOKE - Template Landing Page Untuk Blogspot ini dapat anda miliki secara gratis, Banyak keuntungan dari menggunakan Template Landing Page ini. Selain untuk memperkuat konten dengan satu niche yang di perkuat dalam membangun blog, template ini pun akan membuat blog anda terlihat lebih simple dan ringan ketika load untuk dibuka oleh visitor dan dengan baik dapat mengantar para pengunjung blog anda ke tujuan yang akan anda sampaikan pada blog anda.

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Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Cara Membuat Wallet Bitcoin Gratis

Langkah Mudah Membuat Wallet Bitcoin

Ini adalah sebuah tutorial cara membuat wallet bitcoin gratis yang bisa anda gunakan untuk menyimpan bitcoin anda dan anda bisa ubah bitcoin ini ke rupiah dengan mudah masuk ke rekening anda dalam waktu yang cepat.

Cara Membuat Wallet Bitcoin Gratis
Wallet Bitcoin

Langkah - langkah membuat Wallet Bitcoin :

1. Register disini : KLIK DISINI
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6. Kirimkan foto tersebut pada akun wallet bitcoin anda.
7. Setelah proses verifikasi selesai silahkan gunakan wallet bitcoin anda sebagai tempat anda menyimpan dan mengumpulkan bitcoin, dan gunakan layanan untuk merubah bitcoin anda ke rupiah dengan option - option yang tersedia pada website wallet bitcoin tempat anda mendaftar.

Ingin mendapatkan bitcoin dengan cara menambang bitcoin ? baca disin : Cara Mining Bitcoin Sendiri

Sumber artikel :

Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

Cara Membersihkan Virus di Smartphone Android

IZOKE - Ini adalah sebuah tutorial untuk membersihkan virus pada Smartphone Android anda. Pertama - tama check kesehatan Smartpone Android anda dengan menggunakan langkah - langkah mudah ini.

Cara Membersihkan Virus di Smartphone Android
1. Apakah dirasa lag/berat pada load di halaman-halaman tertentu ?
- file banyak, atau bertumbuhnya file ini bisa dinamakan virus karena tiba-tiba file yang tidak di inginkan, biasanya hal ini di karenakan instalasi software yang mengandung virus dan semacamnya.
2. Smartphone Android anda tiba - tiba mati bahkan hingga nyala sendiri
Hal ini bisa di indikasikan ada beberapa file yang merugikan yang hingga menganggu sistem pada Smartphone Android anda.
3. Smartphone cepat panas Overheat 
Ini pun akan sangat merugikan kinerja Smartphone Android anda dan bisa saja menyebabkan Matot atau mati total pada Smartphone Android anda.
4. Baterai Smartphone Android cepat habis
Padahal waktu isi charge baterai Smartphone Android anda cukup lama atau sudah sesuai batas yang di tentukan yang tertera pada kardus atau buku panduan produk Smartphone Android anda. Ini pun bisa di karenakan Smartphone anda terjangkit serangan merugikan yang biasa di kenal dengan Virus pada Smartphone Android pada umumnya.

Lalu bagaimana apabila tanda-tanda diatas ini ternyata anda alami ?
Berikut dibawah ini adalah penjelasan tutorial tentang bagaimana cara menyembuhkan Smartphone Android kesayangan anda dari serangan virus yang merugikan bagi Smartphone Android kesayangan anda.

Cara Menghapus atau Membersihkan Virus pada Smartphone Android

1. Hapus file yang sudah dianggap tidak penting lagi. Baik aplikasi, foto, Mp3, Mp4, dll

2. Jangan instal file yang kira - kira dianggap tidak terlalu penting, seperti misalnya ; 
- Aplikasi penditeksi hantu : sudah tentu tidak perlu apabila anda bukan seorang paranormal yang membutuhkan peralatan canggih untuk menditeksi mahluk yang tidak satu dunia dengan anda.
- Aplikasi pencari jodoh : Cobalah lebih fokus pada ikhtiar dan mendekatkan diri pada Tuhan agar cepat dapat jodoh.
- Aplikasi pencari uang : seperti WAFF, CAHSPIRATE dll. Cobalah berhitung dari setiap instal app dan mendapatkan $$ atau cara tercerdas mencari uang dari Smartphone android adalah dengan "jual Smartphone Android anda" maka anda akan segera Cashout tanpa waktu yang lama apabila memang mendesak untuk mendapatkan uang.
- Download Film : File ini terlalu besar dan biasanya di sisipkan file file yang merugikan, Cobalah membeli DVD dan jangan sesekali menontonya VIA Smartphone Android anda, sampai saat ini belum bisa Device Smartphone Android yang di jual di pasaran untuk dimasuki CD/DVD. 

3. Kurangi transfer file Smartphone Android Via BlueTooth karena kita tidak tau apakah Smartphone yang akan mengirimi file ke kita bersih dari virus, apabila dia terjangkit maka siap siap pada smartphone anda juga

4. Instal Anti Virus Terpercaya : (Instal Disini) Virus Scanner (Instal Disini)

5. Selamat Smartphone Android anda kini sudah bersih dari Virus berbahaya dan merugikan.

Kirim komentar apabila ada yang ingin ditanyakan lagi.

Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

Share Backlink Manual Techniques To Improve Your Blog Or Website on Search Engine Popularity

Backlink Manual Techniques
IZOKE - This is a way to get backlinks from sites famous for added strength on your website or blog in order to become the order of the first page of google. Below are some links that you can use as a weapon for website and blog.

 Share Backlink Manual Techniques To Improve Your Blog Or Website on Search Engine Popularity
Backlink scheme

Here's How The Way:
Open this link one by one and then change the URL posts by URL Website or blog.

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Rabu, 11 Mei 2016

Researchers Find Mummy Wearing Adidas Shoes

IZOKE - Social media is suddenly shocked by the discovery of 1,500 year old mummy wearing Adidas shoes. In fact, Adidas had just established 66 years ago, precisely on August 18, 1949 .

Mummy is known to be the body of a woman was found in the Altai Mountains , Mongolia some time ago. Not only create a team of researchers who found wondering, netter also excited to discuss the mummy was wearing Adidas shoes in social media.

Researchers Find Mummy Wearing Adidas Shoes
Mummy Wearing Adidas Shoes

Netter began to assume all sorts. In fact, they call these mummies probably are a time because he was wearing shoes that do not exist in his day.

"Maybe a time. Sooner or later we 'll find out, " said a netizen. " This photo 1,500 year -old mummy. You see him wearing Adidas ? No ? " chirps another netter. " Nike may have a contract with the athlete , but has a contract with Adidas select a mummy, " joked another.

On the other hand, until now not much is known about when and where the woman died . Whether or not there is an assumption about a time, we'll wait.

Women With Black Dress at the Hotel Colorado is a Ghost

IZOKE - A photo taken Henry Yau, spokesman and director of marketing of the Children's Museum of Houston Public guaranteed to make us wonder. The photo shows a black shadow on the top of the stairs.
Women With Black Dress at the Hotel Colorado is a Ghost
Women With Black Dress at the Hotel Colorado is a Ghost

The photo was taken while visiting the Henry Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. Henry decided to visit after hearing that the hotel inspires horror novelist Stephen King to write "The Shining".

Henry using the panorama feature on his phone to take photos of a large staircase in the lobby. Unexpectedly, a dark figure who allegedly ghost appears in the photograph taken.

"I usually do not like taking photos of people, so I photographed the stairs," said Henry. "When snapped his picture, I'm not aware of anything. But when checking the photo the next day, there was a shadowy figure at the top of the stairs."

Stanley Hotel was opened in 1909 and has a reputation as a haunted hotel since the 1970s. The hotel even offers a tour around to get to know the history of keangkerannya to the visitors.

Cameras Capture Suspected Lantern Bring Souls figure of the 17th Century

IZOKE - A mysterious figure intangible night watchman caught on camera at a building in North London , England . The figures were seen carrying lanterns and presumably was a curious spirits of the 17th century .

The apparition seen in a 650 -year -old building that is supposedly haunted. The locals believe that it is the ghost sightings The Keeper Night of the 17th century that keep the building called Rye House Gatehouse in Hertfordshire, England.

 Cameras Capture Suspected Lantern Bring Souls figure of the 17th Century
 Cameras Capture Suspected Lantern Bring Souls figure of the 17th Century

At that time, the night watchman on duty to patrol because there is no adequate lighting. They function like the police on duty today to protect the public.

The emergence of a form occurs when a paranormal investigator searches a building that had stood since 1445. Investigators believe the figure in the photograph is the ghost of the night watchman who faithfully keep the Rye House Gatehouse in Hertfordshire.

"The Kingdom we not only want to scare people," said Micky Gocool, head of North London paranormal investigation. "We always look for a rational explanation and logical so we decided to conduct an investigation in Rye house Gatehouse at noon. I've experienced for 25 years and I'm premises confidently say that this place has an activity (supernatural)."

Paranormal team said the photo was taken in the room where it was found active supernatural activity. The temperature in the room right down and the tools that brought the team found the existence of electromagnetic waves that allegedly emanated from the form.

The figure who allegedly was in charge of keeping the curious spirits Rye House Gatehouse in the future with a lantern. Meanwhile, Rye House Gatehouse open to the public every Sunday until 25 September between 11:00 and 16:00.

Selasa, 10 Mei 2016

Caught Stealing in a Pet Shop This Guy Put the Snake into His pants

This Guy Put the Snake into His pants !

IZOKE - A man from Florida, United States suddenly stir in cyberspace due to the action are recorded on camera. This is because the man had been caught stealing in a pet shop in House Pet Center, Saint Petersburg.

This Guy Put the Snake into His pants
This Guy Put the Snake into His pants
Initially, the man who was not named it into the store. However, the employee then chased him because he was caught taking a snake from inside a glass cabinet.

He put the snake into the pants before an employee caught. After being caught, the snake was removed and the thief was arrested inside the store until police finally secured.

This snake theft then used as a joke by Netter. Because the snake can be found almost anywhere in Florida without having to steal it. Netter also considered, he was probably drunk after consuming illicit drugs.

"I want a snake in your pants is not afraid to squirm got under pants," joked a netter. "He looks like an addict," said another. "Steal food or make up there, do not snakes," added another netter.

Here is the video :

Ju On - Sadako and Kayako Made a Funny Daily Photos on Instagram

IZOKE - Sadako and Kayako, Do you like to watch horror movies japanese of course familiar with the figure of Toshio and Kayako in franchise " Ju -on" . It turns out they also have a daily life that is "normal " in addition to the horror shown in the film .

Sadako and Kayako Made a Funny Daily Photos
Sadako and Kayako

But this is not real , but for fun in social media . There were two people from Japan who cosplay becomes Kayako and Toshio and flaunt it through an account called kayakowithtoshio . There, they perform daily activities such as makang , washing and playing in the park like a " normal human being " .

Sadako and Kayako Made a Funny Daily Photos
Sadako and Kayako Made a Funny Daily Photos

Kayako is evil ghost pale white face of the film " Ju -On : The Grudge " . While Toshio is Kayako children are also ghosts and crawling when terrorize humans .

Investigate a investigate that an account was created for the purpose of promoting the film " Sadako vs Kayako " and " Sadako 3D " which was released in Japan . Even so , their funny poses quite entertaining netter and have got 50 thousand more followers .

Sadako and Kayako Made a Funny Daily Photos
Sadako and Kayako Made a Funny Daily Photos

Alisa Manyonok, The Beautiful Barbie Girl Volleyball Player

IZOKE - Some time ago, netizens in cyberspace was shocked by the beautiful girl volleyball player from Kazakhstan named Sabina Altynbekova. Apparently not only Sabina, netizens have recently re-created a scene with other Beauty volleyball playerAlisa Manyonok. So beautiful, woman from Russia was called similar to Barbie dolls.

Alisa Manyonok, The Beautiful Barbie Girl  Volleyball Player
Alisa Manyonok, The Beautiful Barbie Girl  Volleyball Player

Expertise Alisa playing volleyball apparently inherited from both parents. Alisa's father was an athlete pool while her mother was an amateur basketball player.

Mimic the footsteps of his father, Alisa was also once carry out the pool for 11 years. Women who are already struggling in the volleyball world for six years also has hobby of mountain climbing.

Alisa Manyonok, The Beautiful Barbie Girl  Volleyball Player

Aside from being a volleyball player, Alisa ever become a model. Women born in 1989 it even became Miss Primorye and represent Moscow became Miss Russia in 2014.

Alisa Manyonok, The Beautiful Barbie Girl  Volleyball Player

Despite these achievements, Alisa still prioritize education. He has even become a graduate degree in communication from the Kazan Federal Universty. Thanks to a myriad of talent Alisa has, no wonder if many who idolize this beautiful girl.

Senin, 09 Mei 2016

The Largest Creatures on Earth , and Now Living Free Out There

Here's The Super Largest Creatures on Earth

IZOKE -  The blue whale or Balaenoptera musculus is the scientific language of the sea creatures that are very large and are believed to be living beings who ever lived on the planet , bigger than the biggest dinosaurs . The blue whale ever recorded weighed 181 tons and a length of 33 meters . If placed on the ground , the Blue Whale is equal to a length of 9 family car !

Heart size blue whale is the size of a car , and the blood vessels so big that we could swim in it .

a True Giant
Imagine if we sail in the ocean for the first time, exploring the places that we have never seen, and suddenly we saw the ship in addition to blue whales come to the surface, and its size turned out to be longer than the boat we were riding.

Maybe we will be afraid, especially perhaps because we have never seen a living creature with a size so large, we also do not know what we can do great things, whether he can turn the ship and feed on humans. In fact, we need not fear this giant sea creature.

For thousands of years, sailors rarely see these giant mammals and if they meet with the blue whale, they straight away as soon as possible for fear of occurrence. Certainly understandable to ordinary people like us to feel fear and was was met with this giant-sized creature.

Now, we get to know that the blue whale is completely harmless to humans, and in fact, they have something in common with us, human beings, that they are warm-blooded mammals who must breathe the air.

They are also social animals with complex language and intelligence. And most importantly, the blue whale is not a monster at all, they are a gentle giant that we must respect, admire, and protect.

Gentle giant
In Hollywood movies, often described that animals are giant sea monsters that hurt human evil and bring about its destruction. In the wild, the greatest creatures on planet earth turns are gentle creatures, and not dangerous.

And the opposite is true, blue whales, whale species also other whales, suffered due to human activity, and many to the brink of extinction. Blue whales including one of the much sought after centuries ago.

New in recent years, we begin to appreciate the value of their existence. The US government has put a blue whale as an endangered species. Reporting from Extreme Science, whalers in the 19th and 20th century hunting to near extinction. The days of peak, as many as 29,000 blue whales were slaughtered in 1931 alone.

The staple food of blue whales is krill, though they also eat copepods in small quantities. Zooplankton species is eaten by various blue whale from one ocean to ocean. In the North Atlantic, northern krill, thysanoessa raschii, Thysanoessa inermis and Thysanoessa longicaudatamerupakan common foods. In the South Pacific, Euphausia Pacifica, Thysanoessa inermis, Thysanoessa longipes, Thysanoessa spinifera, Nyctiphanes simplex and Nematoscelis megalops; Antarctic Euphausia superba, Euphausia euphausia crystallorophias and vallentini.

Adult blue whale can eat up as much as 40 million krill per day. They always ate in areas with high concentrations of krill, so sometimes it takes approximately 3,600 kilograms (7,900 lb) of krill in a single day. Blue whales filling their bellies in waters rich in krill in the Antarctic before migrating to breeding grounds in warmer waters and less rich in krill near the equator.

Perhaps one of the most spectacular of the Blue Whale is the sounds they make. Researchers have measured the low-frequency sounds produced by blue whales to communicate with menggunakandecible meters.

Some of their vocalizations teleh as loud as 188 decibels recorded and can be heard as far as 848 km! For comparison, the sound of jet aircraft that was taking off at 120 decibels. Thus, we can conclude that the blue whale is a living creature that is able to produce the loudest sound in the world.

Why the Blue Whale can be sized so big ?
So far, researchers still are not sure why , but they believe with certainty that any of the dinosaurs in the past , they never reached the size of a blue whale . This is the greatest thing that has ever lived on the planet Earth , and is still alive today .

One important reason why whales can reach large sizes is that they have a large living space , a large area to move around and explore. More than 70 % of planet Earth is composed of the oceans .

Johnny Depp Mocks the Apology He and His Wife Amber Heard JOKES about Dog Smuggling

IZOKE - Johnny Depp has a ton of fun at the official conciliatory sentiment video he discharged after illicitly pirating his pooches Pistol and Boo into Australia.

Johnny Depp  and His Wife Amber Heard JOKES about Dog Smuggling
Johnny Depp  and His Wife Amber Heard

The on-screen character and his better half Amber Heard recorded a dreamlike conciliatory sentiment message - which has amassed about five million perspectives � communicating regret and teaching guests to comply with Australia's strict isolate laws.

At a London press occasion for his new Alice in Wonderland film, the 52-year-old Hollywood on-screen character has now downplayed his formal sad message.

"I'm going to do this all over the place I go," he reported dryly.

"I might truly want to apologize for not pirating my pooches into England since it would have been a terrible thing to do," he joked, shaking his head in fake disgrace, as the group of onlookers emitted into giggling.

Jadwal Final liga Champions 2016 Real Madrid vs Altetico Madrid

IZOKE - Jadwal Final liga Champions 2016 Real Madrid vs Altetico Madrid tidak lama   lagi akan selekasnya dihelat, selesai Babak semi final liga Champions 2016 telah rampung, serta 2 tim pula telah di pastikan duduk pada kursi final buat memperebutkan gelar juara   turnamen sepak bola paling prestisius pada Eropa ini. 2 kursi itu sukses dihuni sang Real Madrid dan  Atletico Madrid. Real Madrid sukses melaju ke Final terselesaikan unggul asal Manchester City dan  Atletico sukses unggul atas Bayern Munchen. Final mempertemukan Derby Madrid ini pasti jadi kompetisi besar  di perserikatan Champions isu terkini ini. Mirip yg sudah dijadwalkan, Final liga Champions akan di gelar di Minggu, 29 Mei 2016 jam 01. 45 WIB di Stadion San Siro Milan.

Jadwal Final liga Champions 2016 Real Madrid vs Altetico Madrid
Jadwal Final liga Champions 2016
Real Madrid vs Altetico Madrid

Pertandingan pada babak Final telah pada pastikan akan jalan begitu sengit. Mengingat jika duo Madrid ini yaitu musuh bebuyutan, baik di liga Champions ataupun di perserikatan Inggris. Final liga Champions isu terkini ini mungkin saja sebagai peluang Atletico Madrid buat bisa membalas kekalahan yang pernah ditelannya saat bertemu menggunakan Real Madrid di perserikatan Champions ekspresi dominan 2014 saat kemudian.

Melihat hasil musim 2014 silam, Real Madrid sukses mengalahkan Atletico Madrid menggunakan prolehan score yang ciamik, yaitu 4-1 dalam pertandingan final liga Champions. Jika lihat performa Atletico Madrid yg akhir-akhir ini sangat ciamik, tidak menutup peluang Bila bisa menyeimbangi permainan dari Real Madrid atau bahkan pula menundukkannya dan  membawa pulang gelar pertama liga Champions, meskipun memang tentu bukan masalah yang mudah buat menumbangkan yg miliki 10 kali kampiun liga Champions itu.

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Rendezvous antara 2 tim asal Spanyol ini semakin membuat catatan apik dominasi Spanyol dalam turnamen paling bergengsi di Eropa ini. Buat ketiga kalinya pada animo terakhir ini pemegang jawara perserikatan Champions berada pada tangan Spanyol. Real Madrid sendiri akan menghasilkan sebuah sensasi tersendiri jika demam isu ini berhasil keluar menjadi juaranya. Karena Zinedine Zidane baru saja meladeni sendiri alias menukangi klub pada pertengahan turnamen serta itu juga dalam keadaan yang cukup rancu.

Namun, kini   peluang akbar Zizou untuk mampu membawa Ronaldo dkk meraih gelar liga Champions yg ke-11 pun cukup akbar. Dinantikan saja nanti lepas 29 Mei 2016 apakah Real Madrid bisa meraih Undecima ataukah justru Atletico yg mampu mendapatkan gelar pertamanya.

Jadwal Pertandingan Persib vs Persija ISC 2016 Derby d'Indonesia

IZOKE -  Persib vs Persija Pertandingan Indonesia Soccer Championship (ISC) 2016 sudah diterima oleh semua klub peserta. Telah dikabarkan pada waktu sebelumnya bahwa akan disajikan 306 partai pertandingan dalam satu musim menggunakan peserta 18 klub ISL.

Jadwal Pertandingan Persib vs Persija ISC 2016
Jadwal Pertandingan Persib vs Persija ISC 2016

Kick-off kompetisi independen ini akan bergulir mulai 16 April 2016 mendatang, mempertemukan Persipura Jayapura melawan Sriwijaya FC atau SFC pada Stadion Mandala, Jayapura.
Tentu saja, keliru satu pertandingan yg paling dinantikan merupakan Derby d'Indonesia antara Persija Jakarta melawan Persib Bandung. Pertandingan yang selalu panas ini selalu menjanjikan perseteruan panas antara dua kutub sepak bola, Jakarta dan  Bandung.
Di putaran ISC 2016 Persib akan bertindak lebih dulu menjadi tuan tempat tinggal   pada Stadion Si Jalak Harupat, Soreang, Kabupaten Bandung. Pertandingan pada pekan keempat ini bakal tersaji di Sabtu 18 Juni 2016 mulai pukul 20.00 WIB. Fakta yg bisa dipastikan pertandingan akbar ini akan berlangsung di bulan Ramadan.  

Lalu pada putaran ke 2 ISC 2016 giliran Persija Jakarta bertindak menjadi tuan rumah menjamu Persib Bandung pada pekan ke-12. Asal jadwal yang ada Derby d'Indonesia putaran ke 2 itu akan berlangsung di Sabtu 8 Oktober 2016 mulai pukul 19.00 WIB.  

Tetapi untuk tempat pertandingan Persija dipastikan tidak mampu memakai Stadion utama GBK, Jakarta. Sebab, stadion itu sudah dalam masa renovasi untuk Asian Games 2018. Hingga ketika berita ini disiarkan belum bisa dipastikan bakal dimana Persija bermarkas.

Jadwal Pertandingan Persib vs Persija ISC 2016Pekan 4
Sabtu 18 Juni 2016 Persib vs Persija 20.00 WIB
Pekan 12
Sabtu 8 Oktober 2016 Persija vs Persib 19.00 WIB

Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

Can This Planet Inhabited by Aliens or even Human?

Earth Planet that has the Potential to Live in

IZOKE - Astronomers have recently discovered three new planets that resemble Earth, and they predict that signs of alien life will soon emerge from these planets.

Earth and Alien

Scientists also look at the planet in a little different, because the fact of these planets do not orbit the sun, or any other star so its orbit. Instead, they are crowded into an orbit around a dwarf star around the Milky Way, which is 40 light years from our galaxy.

Can This Planet Inhabited by Aliens or even Human?
Strange Planet

Reporting from Tech Insider citing the inventors of this planet, this planet has the potential to be habitable.

"This is the first Earth-sized planet that has the potential to live in," said astrophysicist and one of the inventors of this planet, Michael Gillon. He also added that he and his team were very surprised to find such a planet at a great distance from Earth.

Gillion and colleagues, who publish their findings du journal Nature, found the 'trio' of this planet with a telescope called transiting Planets and Small planetesimals Telescope, or Trappist located in La Silla, Chile.

This planet was discovered when the planets pass between tiny star into orbit, and the Earth. This makes these three planets emit faint light signal that can be captured by the telescope.

The question is now, what are the requirements that make a planet habitable? Here's his review in the context of the three newly discovered planet is.

3 Planet Strange

Although the distance is not too far from our galaxy, the planet turned out the third mechanism is far different from the Earth and other planets in our galaxy. These three planets circling a star called Trappist-1, which was given the name of a telescope caught. Center is only by Jupiter's orbit, which makes it much smaller than the sun.

This star was not bright and shining like the sun. Fitness orbit is actually touted as a brown dwarf star, because it radiates a lot of infrared light. This infrared frequency slightly higher than can be seen of men. Even technically, this star is not a star, because he just made up of gas.

Can This Planet Inhabited by Aliens or even Human?
Goldilocks Zone

Can This Planet Inhabited by Aliens or even Human?
Goldilocks Zone

According to astrophysicists, if we stand on the surface of the planet, dramatic red sky we will see beautifully.

Livable? Wait a minute.

On this planet, the sun will appear larger because the planet is very close to the star that became the center of their orbit. If the Earth takes a year to orbit the sun, the new planet is only takes one and a half days. Meanwhile, two other planets are located slightly further away, it took 2.4 days to evolve.

Can imagine one year only reached within a few hours?

Another difference is the 'sun' so stunted that they orbit the center turned out thousands of kelvins much cooler than the sun. This makes the planet is not at all hot.

'Goldilocks' Zone

The inventor of the three new planets, strongly believes there are at least two of the planet's habitable zone, or so-called 'Goldilocks.'

To get the criteria as the Goldilocks zone, a planet must be sufficiently light, not too much nor little. This would make the planet is a planet that is right for their water.

Two of the three planets are almost positive has all the criteria for a livable life. While the third and farthest planet from orbit center, is considered too cold and it was unclear how much time it takes to complete the orbit.

The third planet is estimated the size of Earth and Venus, and had a solid, rocky surface. But the weakness of this planet is the planet experienced a 'tidal lock,' ie, there is one side will always be facing the sun and one side is not. It makes no edge will always lunch and one side will always night.

Another drawback, and that is a vital aspect to a planet that wants to live in, is the atmosphere. Scientists and astrophysicists do not understand the composition of the atmosphere on the planet. So far, in the Milky Way, only Earth has the atmosphere with the composition enables humans, plants, and animals can live.

Can This Planet Inhabited by Aliens or even Human?

The composition of a planet is habitable, but the atmosphere is still a mystery it can make a planet that has livability though, will not be able to live a human. Man is not going meninggali the planet in the near future. But perhaps this was the 'anchor' of aliens.

In your opinion, can this planet inhabited by aliens or even human?